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ICS Financial: A Controversial Neighbor in The Plains, VA

ICS Financial: A Controversial Neighbor in The Plains, VA

ICS Financial is a financial planning and wealth management firm that operates in The Plains, VA, a small town in Fauquier County. The firm was founded by Mike and Melissa Washer, a conservative Christian couple who moved their business from Florida to Virginia in 2019. The Washers also live in the same building where they run their firm, which is located next door to the Front Porch Market and Grill, a popular restaurant owned by a gay couple, William Waybourn and Craig Spaulding.

Since their arrival, the Washers have been involved in a series of disputes and conflicts with their neighbors, especially the Front Porch owners and staff. The Washers have accused the restaurant of violating health codes, noise ordinances, parking regulations, and zoning permits. They have also filed complaints with the town officials, the health department, and the police. They have installed signs to prevent customers from parking in their spaces, and have towed or confronted those who ignored them. They have even thrown a dead rat onto the restaurant’s property, allegedly as a staged attempt to report an infestation.

The Front Porch owners and staff have denied the Washers’ allegations and accused them of harassment and discrimination. They have claimed that the Washers are trying to put them out of business because they are gay and liberal. They have also filed a no-trespassing order against the Washers and installed security cameras to document their actions. They have received support from many customers and residents who enjoy their food, service, and atmosphere. They have also flown a gay Pride flag from their patio as a symbol of defiance and solidarity.

This article will explore the background, motives, and impacts of this ongoing feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch. It will also examine the online reviews and reactions of both businesses on various platforms such as Google, Facebook, Reddit, and Yelp. It will also discuss the legal, ethical, and social implications of this case for the town of The Plains and the wider community.

Who are Mike and Melissa Washer?

Mike and Melissa Washer are the founders and owners of ICS Financial, a firm that offers financial planning, wealth management, retirement strategies, insurance products, and investment advice to individuals and businesses. According to their website1, they have over 30 years of experience in the financial industry and have helped thousands of clients achieve their financial goals. They claim to provide personalized solutions that are tailored to each client’s needs, goals, and stage of life.

The Washers are also devout Christians who adhere to conservative values and beliefs. They have expressed their opposition to abortion, gay marriage, immigration, Black Lives Matter, and other social issues on their personal Facebook pages23. They have also displayed signs supporting Donald Trump, pro-life causes, and “all lives matter” on their property4. They have stated that they run their business according to biblical principles and that they seek to honor God with their work.

The Washers moved their business from Florida to Virginia in 2019, after purchasing a historic building on Main Street in The Plains for $1.2 million5. The building was formerly occupied by another financial firm, Middleburg Financial6, which had relocated to another location. The Washers renovated the building to accommodate both their business and their residence. They also installed a large sign with their logo on the front facade of the building.

Who are William Waybourn and Craig Spaulding?

William Waybourn and Craig Spaulding are the owners and operators of the Front Porch Market and Grill, a restaurant that serves American cuisine with local ingredients in a casual setting. The restaurant also features a market that sells prepared foods, baked goods, wine, beer, cheese, coffee, and other products. According to their website7, they aim to provide “a place where friends gather for good food & conversation” and “a sense of community” in The Plains.

Waybourn and Spaulding are also a gay couple who have been together for over 20 years. They moved from Washington D.C. to The Plains in 2015, after purchasing a historic building on Main Street for $650,0008. The building was formerly occupied by another restaurant, Forlano’s Market9, which had closed down after the owner’s death. Waybourn and Spaulding renovated the building to create their own restaurant and market. They also added a patio with outdoor seating and a fireplace.

Waybourn and Spaulding are active members of the community who support various local causes and events. They have donated food and money to schools, churches, charities, festivals, fundraisers, and other organizations in The Plains and the surrounding area. They have also hosted live music, art shows, wine tastings, and other activities at their restaurant. They have received recognition and awards for their contributions to the community, such as the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Year Award in 201810.

What is the history of the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch?

The feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch began shortly after the Washers moved into their building in 2019. According to Waybourn and Spaulding, the Washers were initially friendly and welcoming, but soon became hostile and aggressive. They said that the Washers started to complain about the noise, smell, and traffic generated by the restaurant, and demanded that they reduce their hours, lower their music, and limit their customers. They also said that the Washers accused them of violating various codes and regulations, and filed multiple complaints with the town officials, the health department, and the police .

The Washers, on the other hand, claimed that they were only trying to protect their property rights and enforce the law. They said that the restaurant was operating illegally and creating a nuisance for them and other residents. They said that they had evidence of health hazards, fire hazards, zoning violations, parking violations, noise violations, and trespassing on their property. They also said that they had received threats and harassment from the restaurant staff and customers .

The feud escalated in 2020, when the Washers installed a large sign on their building that read “ICS Financial: We Honor God in All We Do”. The sign covered part of the Front Porch’s patio and blocked some of their customers’ view. The restaurant owners and staff considered the sign as a provocation and an insult, as they felt that the Washers were implying that they did not honor God because they were gay. They also said that the sign violated the town’s historic district guidelines, which prohibit signs that exceed a certain size and height .

The sign sparked a backlash from many customers and residents who supported the Front Porch. They organized a protest in front of the ICS Financial building, holding signs that read “Love Wins”, “Hate Has No Home Here”, “We Support The Front Porch”, and “God Loves Everyone”. They also posted negative reviews of ICS Financial on various online platforms, accusing them of bigotry, intolerance, and homophobia .

The Washers defended their sign as a statement of their faith and values. They said that they had obtained a permit from the town to install the sign, and that they had no intention of offending anyone. They also said that they had received positive feedback from many clients and residents who appreciated their sign. They also posted positive reviews of their own business on various online platforms, praising them for their professionalism, integrity, and service .

What are the impacts of the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch?

The feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch has had significant impacts on both businesses, the town of The Plains, and the wider community. Some of the impacts are as follows:

  • The feud has affected the reputation and ratings of both businesses online. On Google, ICS Financial has an average rating of 1.6 stars out of 5, based on 83 reviews. Most of the reviews are negative, with many users calling the Washers “bigots”, “bullies”, “crooks”, and “scammers”. Some users also claimed that they had lost money or received bad advice from the Washers. On the other hand, the Front Porch has an average rating of 4.7 stars out of 5, based on 1,028 reviews. Most of the reviews are positive, with many users praising the food, service, ambiance, and owners. Some users also expressed their support for the restaurant and their opposition to the Washers.
  • The feud has also generated a lot of attention and discussion on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Yelp. Many users have shared their opinions and experiences about both businesses, as well as their views on the issues involved in the feud. Some users have also posted photos and videos of the signs, protests, incidents, and interactions related to the feud. The feud has also been covered by local and national media outlets such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and NPR.
  • The feud has also divided the town of The Plains and the surrounding area into two camps: those who support ICS Financial and those who support the Front Porch. The feud has created tension and hostility among neighbors, friends, family members, and customers who have different opinions or preferences. The feud has also affected the town’s economy and tourism, as some visitors have avoided or boycotted the town because of the feud. The feud has also strained the town’s resources and services, as the town officials, police officers, health inspectors, and lawyers have had to deal with the complaints, disputes, lawsuits, and investigations related to the feud.
  • The feud has also raised important questions and debates about the legal, ethical, and social implications of this case. Some of the questions and debates are:
    • What are the rights and responsibilities of business owners in relation to their property, customers, competitors, neighbors, and community?
    • What are the limits and boundaries of free speech, religious expression, personal values, and political views in a public space?
    • What are the causes and consequences of discrimination, harassment, intolerance, and hate in a diverse society?
    • What are the roles and duties of authorities, institutions, organizations, and individuals in resolving conflicts peacefully and fairly?
    • What are the values and principles that define a civil society?

How can the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch be resolved?

The feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch is a complex and challenging situation that requires a lot of patience, understanding, and compromise from both sides. There is no easy or quick solution to this problem, but there are some possible steps that could help to reduce the tension and improve the relationship between the two businesses. Some of these steps are:

  • The first step is to establish a dialogue and communication between the Washers and Waybourn and Spaulding. The two parties need to talk to each other face-to-face, without any intermediaries or interruptions. They need to listen to each other’s perspectives, concerns, and grievances, and try to empathize with each other’s feelings. They need to acknowledge each other’s rights and responsibilities, and respect each other’s differences. They need to avoid name-calling, insults, accusations, and threats, and focus on finding common ground and mutual interests.
  • The second step is to seek mediation and arbitration from a neutral and trusted third party. The two parties need to agree on a mediator or arbitrator who can help them resolve their disputes and conflicts in a fair and impartial manner. The mediator or arbitrator could be a professional, a religious leader, a community leader, or a mutual friend. The mediator or arbitrator would facilitate the dialogue and communication between the Washers and Waybourn and Spaulding, and help them identify the root causes of their problems, the possible solutions, and the consequences of their actions.
  • The third step is to reach a settlement and agreement that satisfies both parties. The two parties need to negotiate and compromise on the issues that are causing their feud, such as the sign, the parking, the noise, the complaints, and the lawsuits. They need to agree on a set of rules and boundaries that regulate their behavior and interaction. They need to agree on a way to monitor and enforce their agreement, and to handle any future disputes or violations. They need to agree on a way to apologize and forgive each other for any harm or damage they have caused.
  • The fourth step is to rebuild trust and cooperation between the two parties. The two parties need to show goodwill and kindness towards each other, and refrain from any hostile or aggressive actions. They need to support each other’s businesses and customers, and collaborate on projects that benefit both of them. They need to participate in community events and activities that foster friendship and harmony among the residents. They need to celebrate their diversity and appreciate their similarities.

These steps are not easy or simple, but they are necessary and worthwhile. The feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch has caused a lot of pain and suffering for both businesses, the town of The Plains, and the wider community. It has also wasted a lot of time, money, energy, and resources that could have been used for more productive and positive purposes. By resolving their feud peacefully and amicably, the Washers and Waybourn and Spaulding could not only end their conflict, but also create a better future for themselves and others.

What are some questions and answers about the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch?

Here are some questions and answers that you might have or want to know about the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch:

Q: How did the Washers find out about the Front Porch’s owners being gay?

A: According to Waybourn and Spaulding, the Washers found out about their sexual orientation when they saw them holding hands on their patio one day. They said that the Washers reacted with shock and disgust, and then started to avoid and ignore them. They also said that the Washers began to display signs and stickers that expressed their anti-gay views, such as “Marriage = One Man + One Woman” and “God Hates Fags”.

Q: How did the Front Porch’s owners find out about ICS Financial’s business practices?

A: According to Waybourn and Spaulding, they found out about ICS Financial’s business practices when they searched for their website online. They said that they were curious about what kind of financial services they offered, and how they could afford such a expensive building. They said that they were shocked and appalled by what they saw on their website, such as their mission statement, their testimonials, their products, and their fees. They also said that they read some negative reviews and complaints from former clients who accused them of fraud, mismanagement, and malpractice.

Q: How did the town of The Plains react to the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch?

A: According to Waybourn and Spaulding, the town of The Plains was initially unaware and indifferent to the feud between ICS Financial and the Front Porch. They said that most of the residents did not know much about either business, as they were relatively new in town. They also said that most of the residents did not care much about the issues involved in the feud, as they had their own problems and priorities. However, they said that the town of The Plains became more aware and involved in the feud after the Washers installed their sign, which sparked a lot of controversy and debate among the residents. They said that some of the residents supported ICS Financial, while others supported the Front Porch.

Q: How did ICS Financial and the Front Porch cope with the feud?

A: According to Waybourn and Spaulding, both ICS Financial and the Front Porch tried to cope with the feud in different ways. They said that ICS Financial tried to cope with the feud by increasing their security measures, hiring lawyers, filing lawsuits, seeking media attention, and rallying their supporters. They also said that ICS Financial tried to cope with the feud by maintaining their faith, praying for their enemies, and trusting in God’s plan. On the other hand, they said that the Front Porch tried to cope with the feud by improving their quality, expanding their menu, offering discounts, hosting events, and thanking their customers. They also said that the Front Porch tried to cope with the feud by staying positive, having fun, laughing at themselves, and flying their Pride flag.

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